Hellas Mechaniacs!
beim Stahlradio könnt ihr ab heute für uns voten!
Klickt einfach den Link an, auf der Page findet ihr dann auf
der rechten Seite die Abstimmung. Support the "Killing
Und hier noch ein paar aktuelle Links zu unseren Reviews, im
aktuellen RCN könnt ihr auch mehr über unsere neue CD
Neues auch wie immer auf unserer Facebookseite facebook.com/mechanixworldwide
Cheerz und bis bald mit mehr Neuigkeiten auch zum
Keep on rotting!
Hellas Mechaniacs!
Am Freitag, 20.12.2013 spielen wir im Bela Lugosi unseren
Der Eintritt ist frei, allerdings lassen wir einen Hut rumgehen
dessen Inhalt für unseren Freund und Bela-Mitbesitzer Rene
gedacht ist, der seit über einem halben Jahr schwer
erkrankt ist. Als Support konnten wir Exhaust
Das Bela macht an diesem Tag schon um 19 Uhr auf, die Bands
spielen von 20 bis 22 Uhr, danach könnt ihr wie gewohnt im
Bela abstürzen.
Cheerz + Greetz,
Danke an alle Mechaniacs die uns an
Halloween bei unserer Releaseparty unterstützt haben! You
Und ab sofort geht's dann richtig los, ab 08. November gibt es
unsere neue CD "New world underground" offiziell zu
Bei Interesse meldet euch einfach!
Cheerz und haut rein,
Hellas Mechaniacs!
Am 08.11.2013 ist es so weit: unsere neue CD "New World
Underground" erscheint bei Gegentrend Records!
Anlässlich dieses Ereignisses gibt es natürlich was
zu feiern!
An Halloween (Donnerstag, 31.10.2013) findet im MuZ-Club
Nürnberg die offizielle Releaseparty statt.
Unterstützt werden wir durch die Kollegen von Torment Tool
und Paxtilence.
Beginn ist 20 Uhr, Eintritt 6€.
Dort haben wir auch schon exclusiv für euch die neue CD am
Start und überlegen uns noch das ein oder andere
Lasst euch überraschen!
Keep on rotting + join the NEW WORLD UNDERGROUND!
Wir spielen am Samstag, 21.09.2013, beim Summer Rock im Juz
Lauf (Weigmannstraße, direkt beim S-Bahnhof Lauf links d.
Open Doors: 18 Uhr
Eintritt: 5€
Running Order:
19.00 Uhr - 19.45 Uhr - THE O´HARA / Stoner Rock
20.15 Uhr - 21.00 Uhr - NEXT LEVEL / Heavy Metal
21.30 Uhr - 22.15 Uhr - MECHANIX / Thrash Metal
22.45 Uhr - 23.30 Uhr - GREEN BOOTS CAVE / Doom Metal
00.00 Uhr - 00.45 Uhr - MOGADISCHU / Heavy Vintage Stoner
Bald gibts definitive News zum Release unserer neuen CD "New
World Underground"!!!
Hellas Mechaniacs!
Wir mussten das Guestbook aufgrund extremer Verspamung leider
Wenn ihr Kontakt aufnehmen wollt geht auf den "Contact"-Link
und schreibt mir unter der aktualisierten E-Mail-Adresse!
Bald erscheint auch unsere neue CD "New world underground", wir
sind gerade beim Mastering und verlasst euch drauf:
Neue Konzerttermie gibt's demnächst!!!
Keep on Re-Rotting!
Am 29.09. wird Wetzlar geentert! Zusammen mit Thrashtanica,
Rezet und Torment Tool werden wir Hessen in Schutt und Asche
Eintritt an diesem Abend: 6€.
Am 07.12. wird dann wieder unsere schöne Heimatstadt
Nürnberg brennen, wir spielen im Kunstverein (im Z-Bau)
gemeinsam mit Deathronation, Omega Soul und Accidental Suicide
aus Regensburg.
Ausserdem gibt es in der "Sven's World" Online-Metalshow ein
ausführliches MECHANIX-Interview (incl. 2 Videoclips)!!!
Mit dabei unter Anderem auch noch Assassin, Holy Moses,
Darkness und vieles mehr, 1,5 Stunden pure THRASH!!! Zieht's
euch rein!!!
New gigs announced, check the
Hellas Mechaniacs!
Vielen Dank an alle die mit uns unseren 15. Geburtstag gefeiert
haben! War eine coole Party!!!
Rot on!!!
Hellas Mechaniacs!
Die Aufnahmen für unsere nächste CD laufen gut, im
Moment sind wir bei den Rhythmusgitarren und ich kann
versprechen: es wird das härteste MECHANIX-Album
News und aktuelle Pics findet ihr täglich aktualisiert auf
unserer Facebook-Site.
Hier unsere nächsten Live-Dates:
16.03. ACE-Club Berlin, Thrashing Insanity w/ Warlike
Deathstrike + The Outside
17.03. Tanzsaal Görschnitz (bei Bayreuth), Thrash Fest w/
Warlike Deathstrike, Dying Gorgeous Lies + Full Of Anger
24.03. Kunstverein Nürnberg, 15 Jahre MECHANIX w/
ProCycoH, Deathronation + Exhaust
21.04. Zett9 Fürth, Thrash-O-Mania w/Repent, Warlike
Deathstrike + Amod
11.05. tba.
12.05. Fellfresse Wismar, w/Full Assault + Throbbing Pain
See you there + KEEP ON ROTTING!!!
Der Aufnahmetermin für unsere 6te CD musste leider
aufgrund einer Überschwemmung im Studio verschoben
Aber im Januar geht's los!!!
Greetz + keep on rotting,
New Gig announced!
Freitag, 16.12.2011
MECHANIX + Accidental Suicide live @ Jugendcafe Zwiesel.
Einlass: 20:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 6€
Donnerstag, 20.10., ist MECHANIX zurück im Brown
Das ist der letzte Gig bevor wir ins Studio gehen um unsere
nächste CD aufzunehmen die Ende 2011 erscheinen
Beginn ist 20:00 Uhr, geöffnet ist bis 02:00, Eintritt
See ya,
MECHANIX live beim Krach Open Air
am 23.07.2011 in Stadeln.
Los geht's um 13:00 Uhr, wir spielen um 15:00 Uhr!!!
Eintritt 3€
Keep on rotting!!!
MECHANIX live im Wilderer, Marienstr. 25,
Freitag, 06.05.2011
Eintritt frei, Open doors 20:00 Uhr!!!
Am Samstag, 05.03.2011, MECHANIX live in der
Luise Nürnberg!
Zusammen mit Warlike Deathstrike (Ex- Ash Inheritance) +
New gig announced
MECHANIX live in Hof!
26.12.2010, Alter Bahnhof
New review online @ metalmasters.eu!!!
Samstag, 27.11.2010
w/ Violet Moon + For Every Evil
Beginn: 20:00
Eintritt: 5€
New Gig announced!
MECHANIX LIVE IM BROWN SUGAR am Donnerstag, 21.10.2010!!!
Start: 21:00
Wir haben den Vertrag mit TRM
gekündigt. Die neue CD "Sonic Point Blank" kommt
dafür Ende Juni auf Witches Brew Records aus Regensburg
raus und enthält zu den 10 neuen Songs 8 Bonus-Tracks vom
2003er Album "History Re-rotten" und ein verändertes
Booklet. Mehr News und Pics von der ursprünglichen
Release-Party im KV Nürnberg bei der es die limitierte
Erstauflage der CD gab beim nächsten Update. Keep on
Hellas Mechaniacs!
Im März erscheint unsere neue CD "Sonic Point Blank" auf
Zu diesem Anlass spielen wir am 19.03.2010 einen Release Gig im
Kunstverein, Frankenstr. 200, Nürnberg. Support sind
ProCycoH aus Nürnberg, Full Assault aus Schwerin und
Destructive Solution aus Hersbruck.
Seit längerem dabei ist jetzt auch schon unser Bassist
Simon Ketzinger, dem ich hier endlich einmal ein
gebührendes "Welcome to hell" aussprechen will.
Ausserdem haben wir die Seite ein wenig entrümpelt und ein
paar Updates gemacht.
Betroffen waren vor allem die Linksection und die Pics wo ihr 3
neue Bandpics findet.
Checkt auch die Dates für unsere nächsten
Ab sofort wird die Seite wieder häufiger aktualisiert, es
tut sich einiges in der MECHANIX-Welt.
Keep on rotting in a free world!
We are terribly sorry for this but we have
to cancel a gig for the first time in the Mechanix
There is no chance to play the show 3rd of Oktober at the
Boiler Room Regensburg.
Hope to meet you soon in Regensburg and have a good time at the
3-Year-Boiler Room-Party!
Keep on Rotting!
Fr., 18.09.09 Cordobar, München Germering
Sa., 03.10.09 Boiler Room, Regensburg
MECHANIX live am 08.11.08 in Schwerin, siehe Dates
Thrash Metal Massacre 2008
MECHANIX live am 17.10.08 / 18.10.2008, siehe Dates
MECHANIX live am Fr., 14.03.08 beim MuZ
Benefizkonzert im MuZ-Club Nürnberg.
Nähere Infos auf www.musikzentrale.com
Hellas Mechaniax!
Zuallererst wünsche ich Euch ein heftiges neues Jahr 2008!
Und dann entschuldigen wir uns hiermit bei jedem der bei dem
inexistenten Konzert am 22.12.2007 im Z-Bau aufgetaucht ist.
Ich hoffe die meisten von Euch haben entweder die Absage auf
unserer Page oder die Plakate die ich am Z-Bau angebracht habe
gelesen. Wir haben unseren Gig schon Wochen vorher abgesagt,
der Veranstalter war aber nicht erreichbar, so dass immer noch
mit unserem Namen Werbung gemacht wurde. So ein Shit ist uns
zum erstenmal passiert und wir werden solche Dinge für die
Zukunft ausschliessen. Sorry again, wir konnten nichts für
diesen Fuck-Up!
Die Linksection ist überarbeitet, die toten Links wurden
eliminiert und der eine oder andere lebendige kam dazu.
Check it out!!!
Ausserdem gibt es einen Verlust zu vermelden: Manfred, der mit
uns die letzten Gigs und einen Grossteil der Studioaufnahmen
bestritten hat gehört leider nicht mehr zur Band. Deswegen
befinden wir uns im Moment auf der Suche nach einem neuen
Bassisten und haben auch schon diverse Optionen, falls ihr euch
aber auch für den Posten als MECHANIX-Basser interessiert
nehmt Kontakt mit mir auf. Meine Daten findet ihr auf der
"Contact"-Page und wir freuen uns auf jede Bewerbung.
Im Studio geht es demnächst endlich weiter, so dass wir
nach der X-ten Unterbrechung durch Schäden im
Studio-Equipment jetzt endlich die finalen Aufnahmen für
"Sonic Point Blank" in Angriff nehmen können. Ab Februar
können wir euch dann diverse Vorab-Aufnahmen auf der Site
präsentieren. Ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht sein!
So long, es wird in nächster Zeit viel Neues geben,
Keep on re-rotting 2008!!!
Auch wenn Anderes behauptet wird: MECHANIX
werden definitiv NICHT am Sa.,22.12. im Z-Bau spielen!!!
Unsere nächste Show findet am Di., 25.12. im Avalons Dust
statt. Wir werden ca. um 20:00 auf die Bühne gehen.
Keep on re-rotting!!!
MECHANIX will definitely NOT do a show Sa., 22.12. at the Z-Bau
Our next gig will take place Th., 25.12. at the Avalons Dust,
Start: 19:00, MECHANIX-Stage-time: 20:00.
Keep on re-rotting!!!
Hi there Mechaniax!
Right now we are finishing the recordings to our new album
called "Sonic point blank"! Lots of killer-stuff is waiting to
be heard by you, stay tuned for further information!!!
And there's another Gig coming: Tuesday, 25.12. we're going to
play one of the "Goodbye"-Shows at the Avalons Dust,
Edisonstr., Nünberg.
Hope to see ya there!!!
Rotting greetz,
New Gig announced:
MECHANIX + Hateful Agony + Egotheist + Lacerated
Fr., 14.09.2007, 20:00, Roter Salon, Nürnberg
Pay 5€ to enter
Hi there Mechaniacs!
Bad news: the recording sessions for the new album "Sonic Point
Blank" had to be stopped due to technical problems with the
studio equipment. We'll keep you well informed about the
recording progress as soon as possible.
Good news: we have to announce two more Gigs in June:
02.06.07 "Götterdämmerung"-Festival in Hof
13.06.07 together with Nuomena &
Ebola at the Avalons Dust in Nürnberg
Hope to see ya there and keep on rotting!!!
2 new gigs announced!
Sa., 17.02.07 Richi's Rock Cafe, Schwabach
Fr., 20.04.07 Backstage, Weikersheim
I wish all of you Mechaniacs out there a
heavy new year!
3 Pics from the show in Haundorf online, 1
link added.
The first few pics from our Mini-Tour with
Hetroertzen and Daargesin online now!
Next show: Friday, 15.12.2006, Kunstverein Nürnberg, New
Force Benefiz
Pic & Linksection updated!
Hi there folks!
Four new shows have to be announced! It's MECHANIX-Winter!
Three shows will feature the chilenean BlackMetalers
Hetroertzen and the guys from Daargesin!!!There will also be
some kind of an one-off show to support the re-building of the
unholy NewForce Erlangen that was burned down by some kind of
monad-style asshole.
So here's the news:
08.12.06 Rockclub Backstage, Weikersheim (w/Hetroertzen &
15.12.06 Kunstverein im Z-Bau, Nürnberg (NewForce
22.12.06 Blaue Traube, Haundorf bei Erlangen (w/Hetroertzen
& Daargesin)
23.12.06 MaxEs, München (w/Hetroertzen, Daargesin &
Hateful Agony)
Another thing we have to announce: Songwriting progress is
marching on with might! I think it will be end of february
we'll be well prepared to enter the studio and start recording
our next CD titled "Sonic Point Blank" !!!
We are going to play some of the new tracks live at the
upcoming shows.
So be well prepared and check us out for the upcoming news and
updates! Picture and Link sections gonna get some updates
within the next few days.
And don't forget: Fistmas is coming!
Greetz and keep on rotting,
Hellas Mechaniacs!
Two new gigs announced!
Check us out live 02.10.2006 at the Kofferfabrik Fürth (w/
and at the Thrash Attack II, 20.10.2006 at the Roter Salon,
Come back for more news about the upcoming shows.
Friday, 01.09.06, the MECHANIX will again
thrash the Z-Bau in Nürnberg.
Together with Perverilla and Ivory Night from Kaiserslautern
the show will take place at the "Roter Salon", doors open
20:00, start 21:00, pay 5€ to enter. We'll open the
evening, followed by Perverilla and the Headliner Ivory
MECHANIX is replacing Torrid this night who had to cancel the
Am Freitag, 01.09.06 spielen MECHANIX im Roten Salon im Z-Bau
Nürnberg zusammen mit Perverilla und Ivory Night aus
Einlass ist um 20:00, wir starten um 21:00, danach gibt's
Perverilla und Ivory Night.
Das ganze kostet 5€ und wir ersetzen an diesem Abend
Torrid, die aus Krankheitsgründen absagen mussten.
Keep on Re-Rotting!!!
Friday, 12th of May 2006 the MECHANIX will
return on the stage:
together with Torrid we will do a show at the "TWISTER"-bar,
Ingolstädter Str. 23, Neumarkt i.d.Opf.
Open Doors: 20:00, we'll start at 20:30.
Hope to see ya there!!!
Freitag, 12.05.2006 spielen wir mit Torrid in der "Twister"-Bar
in Neumarkt (Ingolstädter Str. 23).
Beginn ist um 20:00, wir starten um 20:30.
Hope to see ya there!!!
Hell-as Mechaniacs!
Friday, 17.03., we will do a show together with Border of
Insanity, Entera and a special guest.
Starting 20:30, pay 4€ to watch the Thrash Attack
Bad News: Manfreds bass was stolen a few days ago from our
rehearsal room in Nürnberg.
It's the green "Samick" 4-string bass you can see in the
picture section.
If you see someone play this piece: PUNISH HIM!
We are very thankful for information or help to get the bass
So long, see you friday 17.3,
Hell-as Mechaniacs!
Freitag, 17.03. spielen wir zusammen mit Border of Insanity,
Entera und einer 4ten Band im Roten Salon im Z-Bau
Nürnberg. Start ist um 20:30, Eintritt 4€
Der Bass von Manfred, unserem Bassisten (eigentlich klar, ich
weiss...) wurde aus unserem Übungsraum in Nürnberg
Bilder von dem grünen "Samick"-Bass sind in der
Picture-Section zu sehen.
Sollte jemand also den Mutanten herausfinden der den Bass
gestohlen hat: Bestraft ihn!
Für Hinweise oder Rückgabe wären wir dann sehr
verbunden, den Kadaver des Arschlochs das den Diebstahl
begangen hat dürft ihr natürlich je nach Vorliebe
behalten, schänden oder spenden.
Soweit erstmal, ich hoffe wir sehen uns am 17.3. im Roten
Sa., 18.02., the MECHANIX will do a show at
the FC Wiesla (SÃŒdring 99, Hof) together with
Make sure to be there to welcome our two new bandmembers
Manfred (bass) & Quanz (drums)!!!
Keep on re-rotting!
Breaking news!!!
Tonight, Sa, 17.12. 2005, MECHANIX live together with Public
Headshot at the "Nachtwerk" Weisendorf (near
Die Neuhofer Dorfkapelle is joining us at
the Avalons Dust, Thursday, 03.11. together with Sacred Sin +
See ya there!
Die Neuhofer Dorfkapelle geben sich die Ehre und spielen am
Donnerstag im Avalons Dust als Opener.
See ya!
Hellas Mechaniacs!
We are back!!!
Again we will hit the stage 03/11/2005 at the Avalons
Together with Sacred Sin from Portugal and Kreon from Gerds own
country Hannover we're gonna rock the doom city
Starting at 8 p.m. we'll thrash the likes of you on and off the
stage until the open end you have to choose.
Enter this one will cost an amount of 6Euro, some specials like
"Jägermeister 1Euro" or "Open end Party" awaits you!
Last but not least we are gonna kick off our latest release
"Point of no return / Next 2 You"!!!!
Be sure to be alternative, choose the REAL thursday!
The first 20 Mechaniacs will get one beer or one Jäger for
free, everyone wearing a some kind of
Mechanix Merchandise will also.
If you decide to miss that show you'lll miss the first
appearance onstage of our newly recruited bass-player
so kick off the shit and get over, additional specials and
guests will be announced A.S.A.P:!!!
Visit the Avalons page
to find out where!!!
Hellas Mechaniacs! We are back!!!
Donnerstag, 03.11. spielen wir im Avalons Dust und
präsentieren Euch sowohl unsere neue CD als auch
unseren neuen Bassisten Manfred!
Onstage werden uns Sacred Sin aus Portugal und Kreon aus der
Ex-Kanzlerstadt Hannover zur Seite stehen.
Die ersten 20 Gäste und jeder im Mechanix-Shirt bekommt am
Einngang einen Jägermeister oder ein Bier for
Los ..gehts um 8, Einlass 19:30, Jäger kostet den ganzen
Abend 1Euro!!!"
Den Weg zum Avalons findet ihr auf der Avalons page!!!
Checkt diese Site, wir denken uns noch Specials aus(oder auch
Cheers Mechaniacs!
MECHANIX will hit the stage this saturday, 16.07.2005, at the
Krach-Open-Air in Fürth-Stadeln.
We will start at 15:00!!!
Make sure to check us out for it's the last gig for our bassman
For more information check www.krachopenair.de
Hellas Mechaniacs!
We have to announce some new gigs: Sa., 12.03.05 at the ALF,
Altenfurt and Fr., 15.04.05 at the KUNSTVEREIN,
Be sure to check us out live 'cause we are playing lots of new
shit from our upcoming release!
For more information and additional gigs visit this site again
Last weekend we did another fast and furious gig in
Thanx to the guys from Vae Victis, the Dr. K crew, the Intruder
staff and more than 200 friends and maniacs thrashing with
Extra special thanx to Mr. Quantz for his devastating
drumblasts this evening!!!
We'll be back soon!!!!
Ex-Pantera member Diamond Darrell was shot
dead during a live performance of his new band Damageplan a few
days ago by a former soldier of the US army.
This totally fucked up american asshole
entered the stage and killed Dimebag along with 4 other
persons. What a totally fucked up world are we living
Rest in peace Darell!!!
This is just a short update for you: New gig
Friday, december 10th we will do a show in Darmstadt together
with Purify.
This Friday, november 12th: Zosh-Festival at the Zentralcafe K4
in Nürnberg!
MECHANIX will hit the stage at 21:15, so be sure to be
Hi there Mechaniax!!!
IT'S ON!!!!!!
MP3 Files available in the SOUND-section! Featuring tracks from
all of our releases including the previously unreleased 2004
demo-track "NEXT TO YOU"!!!
Some additional news:
MECHANIX are invited to play the "16 Years Zosh"-Festival,
Friday, November 12th, at the K4 in Nürnberg. We are also
going to play one Gig with the guys from Obstinacy, Saturday,
November 27th, in Poppendorf and another show in Hof at the
"Reaktor" somewhere in December. The show in Feucht (w/
Xenotaph) had to be cancelled. We are very sorry about that,
but we try to arrange some other stuff for this weekend. The
link-section's been updated, so if you'd like to take a
Stay rotten for more updates within the next few days!
For this is a non profit-site we rearranged
our stuff to a Linux-based one. Within the next few weeks this
site will go through several changes but be sure to keep well
informed!! We are going to present you MORE SOUND, MORE PICS,
VIDEOSTUFF and a german language section as well. Don't forget
to sign our Guestbook!!!
I hope you are ready to get our latest news... Thanx a 1000 lot
to SIMON from XENOTAPH (you'll find the link to the
Xenotaph-page at our updated link-section) for helping us out
at the ThrashTillDeath Festival!!! Great job, thank you again!
New Pictures, new links, new guestbook and now some more gigs.
Check this site out to find out more about this stuff and our
appearences in Hof, at the Zosh-Festival and some more!!! Be
sure to keep on rotting!!!
Hi there Mechaniacs!!!
In a few days there will be some more news about upcoming Gigs,
our work in the studio and the Thrash Till Death Festival 2004,
so be sure to come back soon!!!
But now get down on your knees:
The mighty Quorthon was found dead in his appartment last
Rest for a moment and give him a little support on his way to
the gates of Valhalla!
Rest in peace!
Hi there Mechaniacs! Some short facts for
MECHANIX were invited to play the THRASH TILL DEATH - Festival
11./12.06. in Wolfenbüttel together with Bands like
Delirium Tremens, Goddess of desire or Witchburner, so stay
tuned for some more information. Try also our link-section to
visit the TTD-site!!!
This month we were voted Nr. 5 at the webradio-charts. Vote for
us, your voice is your choice!!!
New demo-stuff is already recorded, watch out for the news!
You'll get the chance to download some of our new shit!!!
New links added, check out Runamok and more!
Have a nice decay!!!
Yours, Wolf
2 Short messages to the Mechaniacs out
MECHANIX were voted Nr. 7 at the Radio AFK Charts. So be sure
to listen to our stuff on Tuesday, the 6th of April!!!
There's a new chance to see us onstage:
Friday, the 14. of May we'll do a show in Miltenberg, so stay
tuned for more information and keep on rotting!
Stay Rotten,
Some fuckhead deleted ALL of the mail that was sent in between
03/16 and 03/20 to the eMail address "mechanix_@t-online.de",
so if you are one of the persons who wrote in one of these days
please mail again, I had no chance to save your mails or
Someone who's been writing the days before (especially the 2
distribution guys): Please mail again, all of my mails incl.
all of the adresses or contact information is lost.
Fuck that goddamn asshole (...) for doing this, we'll find out
where you live!
Greets, Wolf
Sorry for the long delay but our hands were
tied by the rebellion of the machines...
So this is a first short update to remind you of some things to
Go to the dates site to get informed about the next few
onstage-appearances of MECHANIX!
Stay Rotten,
Hi there Mechaniacs!
The latest updates failed due to technical (not mechanical)
We hope to be able to fix this during the next few weeks.
Last Saturday, 28.12. we were given the opprtunity to thrash
away the heads of a mainly Black-Metal- / Gothic-crowd at
¨Dark Christmas¨-Festival at the Omega, Erlangen.
Equilibrium had to cancel the show so we were asked to replace
The call reached me only a few hours before the show was about
to start, but we had lotsa fun doing this gig.
Thanx again to Manu and Fritz!
As you can read easily on the homepage we will finish the year
2003 with a gig at the ¨Roter Salon¨ in
Deliahs Prophecy will support us on our way into 2004.
After the show we´ll get some kind of ¨Open
End¨-Metal-Party started so you should better be prepared
or stay in bed
What´s left? I have to wish all of you a heavy new year
Yours, Wolf
MECHANIX were chosen one of the best 10
unsigned european
Hard&Heavy-Bands for the Drum-Listeningsession in
For detailled informations and Pics check us
out next week!!!
Also MECHANIX were invited to play at the Z-Bau (Grosser Saal)
this friday, november the 14, 21:00!!!
3 more bands will appear on Stage after MECHANIX.
Rotten greets! Wolf
December 06th MECHANIX will share the stage
with the guys from Deliah's Prophecy. If you'd like to visit
their site check out our recently updated linksection. As well
you might take a look at the rest of the stuff we rearranged at
our homebase.
To read the most recent review featuring "History" click
www.powermetal.de .
Stay rotten to get more information about the upcoming on-stage
appearances and our plans for recording the follow-up to
"History re-rotten"!
New bandphotos available in the
Check out our updated linksection!
Sad news for all you freakos outside: The
mighty IMMORTAL have decided
to split up. In deep depression,
New reviews to our recent release "History
re-rotten" are online.
Be sure to visit www.unknownmunich.de,
www.vampster.com and
At www.medazzarock.com
and www.metalgospel.com you can
also read
some stuff about our shows at the "Bikers Fun Open Air" in
Gerach and
the "Thrash-Metal-Festival" in Nürnberg.
Keep on re-rotting!
05 / 2003
MECHANIX were asked to join the "Bikers Fun
Open Air", 05/31/03 in
Gerach/Bamberg. So get off your asses and enjoy MECHANIX
w/Backslash live!!!
Check out the "www.unknownmunich.de"-site for the first
worshipping the latest MECHANIX-release "History re-rotten".
" Auswärtige" and choose "Mechanix" to read the complete
We had to change the address of our P.O.Box, so be sure to
visit our
" Contact"-page to update to our newly valid address.
Keep on re-rotting!!!
02 / 2003
Check the updated Pic & Dates sections.
01 / 2003
MECHANIX were invited to support the band
Backslash at their CD
release-party Sa., 11.01.2002 (Kulti Rauenstein, Poststr.
Rauenstein / Sonneberg).
We received the call two days before the show takes its place,
so there
was not that much time to give this information to you. Feel
free to
visit the show and enjoy MECHANIX live on stage!
Keep on re-rotting!!!
12 / 2002
January the 4th MECHANIX will perform for
the first time 2003 together with Encyclia and two more bands
at the TAVERNE in Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut.
We had to re-do the mastering sessions for "History re-rotten"
in order to present you Mechaniax a real kick-ass sound. Due to
this action we had to work certain things over and the release
date is now set for January 2003. Watch out for updates to get
the release date and stay prepared for songs like
"Disintegration", "Passive / Aggressive" and all the rest of
the great stuff we recorded.
A new record needs a new site: during the first months of 2003
we'll pass a new design on these pages. We'd like to offer you
more sights, more sounds & videos in an improved quality
and some interactive shit you've never seen before!
Come back to our kingdom cold and keep on re-rotting!!! Stay
The recordings and mixing-sessions for
"History re-rotten" are done!!!
The CD contains 10 songs at a playing time
of 36 minutes.
Check this site to get further informations.
25th of December Zosh on RadioZ
(Nürnberg 95,8)
is broadcasting the 2nd part of ¨Cassandra´s
run¨, featuring
a brandnew MECHANIX-song called ¨Next to you¨.
Some bad news:
The gig in Köln, 13.12.2002, had to be cancelled.
If you'd like to get information about the reasons visit the
brainslaughter website.
We hope to get a new chance in February 2003.
11 / 2002
The recording sessions for the new
"History re-rotten" are nearly finished.
Watch out for more news and the date of
Check out MECHANIX live:
Sa., 09.11.02: 5-years Cultfactory Luise, 19 bands on stage for
Fr., 15.11.02: Newcomerfestival E-Werk Erlangen,
Fr., 13.12.02: Brainslaughter Warm-Up,
BÜZE Ehrenfeld,
Venloer Str. 429,
50823 Köln,
w/ Perzonal War, Insania, Orden Organ, Pain
Management, pay 5€ to enter.
See ya there and keep on rotting!!!
See ya there and keep on rotting!!!
09 / 2002
To all the Mechaniacs out there: The shows
25.08. & 15.11. in München
were cancelled for some reasons we can't explain - 'cause we
The gig in München was replaced by an invitation to play
the 25.
Newcomerfestival at the E-Werk in Erlangen, taking place
Come back to read more about the upcoming dates and a
work-in-progress report related to our next recording session
in mid-october.
We were also given the chance to be a part of the "Thrash Till
Sampler, distributed by the "T.T.D."-Webzine. If you'd like to
their website follow this LINK.
A few words more to read: Get off your asses and throw your
vote into
the faces of our two-faced politicians!!!!! It's our
Next update will follow in about 10 days, I feel blessed to
welcome you
back right here! Keep on rotting!
08 / 2002
A big hell-o to all the Mechaniacs!
The Mechanix-Live-Massacre continues.
25.08. t.b.a.
09.11. Luise, Nürnberg, 5-years Luise birthday-party
13.11. München
13.12. Köln (Braincrusher Warm-up)
More detailed informations will follow soon!
To read a review and see some pics from our
show at the
"Wacken Warm-up" Ihrhove
visit the "Sirens"-Website. We played and partied
there together with the guys from Guerilla. Check
'em out and come back
soon to get some Mechanical news!!!
06 / 2002
The first pictures from the MetalUpYourAss-OpenAir are
online now!
Lotsa thanx to Daniel Quanz from At Daggers
Drawn for helping us out this time back at the drumkit.
Great Job, Well done!
The festival was well organized so we had
the opportunity to play a very successful gig in front of a
metalcrowd that enjoyed the show for sure as much as we did. We
also had the chance to meet bands like Syre, Verdict, Pergamon
or Nocturnal and have a good time getting mentally deranged
together with all the rest.
So far, so good: feel free to visit our
updated linksection.
Sa., 22.06.02 Metal Up Your Ass Open-Air, ALF
Sa., 13.07.02 Krach Open-Air, Fürth-Stadeln
Sa., 20.07.02 Wacken Warm
Up, Ihrhove
05 / 2002
We'd like to say THANK YOU to all the
Mechaniacs for supporting us at our show
at the Cultfactory Luise and the "Four horsemen" secret-gig in
We had a great time playing for you! Keep on
MECHANIX will join the MetalUpYourAss
Open-Air and the Krach Open-Air 2002.
Check this site for more detailed informations!
The recording sessions for the new
MECHANIX-release had to be stopped
due to our drummers severe injury affecting his ability to play
We wish him all the best on his way back to complete
and are proud to present him back on stage at the
Krach Open-Air in Fürth/Stadeln July 13th 2002.
04 / 2002
Check out MECHANIX live on Stage
Sa. 27.04. 20:00
Cultfactory Luise
pay 3€ to Enter
02 / 2002
will hit the stage at the
ALF, Nürnberg-Altenfurt Sa.,16.02.2002.
Supported by:
Es Im Ich
the show starts 19:30. Pay 3 Euro to
10 / 2001
Breaking news:
MECHANIX will join ProCycoH and Scruff on their show
Fr., 19.10. at the Cultfactory Luise in Nürnberg.
We'll open the gig at 19:30, replacing the band Silence that
had to cancel.
Pay 5.- DM to enter.
Shows in Koblenz and Neumarkt will be announced as soon as
09 / 2001
Gig news:
29.09. OpenAir Lauf
Start: 16:00, MECHANIX headlining at 20:30
For more infos check out this site!
Take also a little time for visiting the pages of our new found
friends from
See ya soon and keep on rotting!!!
04 / 2001
Mechanix will join the "Krach-Open-Air" in
Fürth-Stadeln (30.06.)together with Scruff, Mindwalk, Soul
Demise, Schwerkraft and three more bands.
The festival starts at 12:00, Mechanix will play at 15:30. FREE
Next show is the "Metal up your ass"-Open
Air at the ALF in Nürnberg-Altenfurt (07.07).
Mechanix will enter the stage around 19:00.
Here we play together with bands like Delirium tremens, The
crestfallen, the headliners Dawn of dreams and our brothers
from ProCycoH.
The Radio-jingle to this festival features
"Method of self-destruction" from our first CD
Don't miss it!
21.07. the Mechanix will co-headline the
Open Air in Lam.
About 8 more bands will appear on this stage.
For more informations check this site!
Scornage had to cancel the concerts in
Dewangen (20/04) and Nürnberg
(21/04). They will be replaced by "The Romp" (Dewangen) and
"Dry Rot" (Nürnberg).
MECHANIX will play the Open Air shows in Lam
(21/07) and Nürnberg/ALF (07/07).
For latest news check out this site!
03 / 2001
MECHANIX is headlining the "25 Jahre
Kunstverein" anniversary show 31/03/2001 and wishes all the
best for the next 25 years!
The stage for the "German Mini Tour 2001" is
For the latest concert news click the Dates
In the "Pics"-section you can find new shots
of the recent line-up and some stuff from the show at the
The time Besonic doesn`t fuck up anymore soundfiles
from MECHANIX are available on this page.
After finishing the visit on
"www.mechanix.de" check out the links to some friends:
01 / 2001
MECHANIX would like to welcome their newest
Sebastian Schein joined us in the last months 2000 and played
his first gig 12/22/00 in front of a braindead drunken crowd at
the "Bunker" in Nürnberg.
About 250 persons were showing up to hear
new MECHANIX material at the Cultfactory Luise (Nürnberg)
played together with Repent, Final Breath and Embodied
MECHANIX is ready to fuck your mind -
probably the best fuck you ever had!